First Polish-Lithuanian CICPA workshops 18th-19th of May 2018, Stepnica – Międzyzdroje, Poland

The beginnings do not have to be difficult, as our first international joint project’s workshops proved.
On 18th of May, 42 members of 22 Lithuanian and Polish organisations participated in first day of cross-border workshops in Stepnica, West Pomerania, Poland, organized by Society For The Coast, with great suport of Community Centre of Culture in Stepnica.
Open session was devoted to similarities and differences in administration and nature management in both countries, as well as to get know organisations which joined CICPA. Delegates presented the areas covered by the project: Municipality of Stepnica (Poland), Odra Delta Nature Park (Poland),  Seaside Regional Park in Karkle (Lithuania), Karkle community (Lithuania) and Kretingale Eldership (Lithuania), with special attention to natural potential of partnership areas.
A separate topic was to present  principles of nature conservation in Poland and Lithuania, with particular emphasis on the European ecological network Natura 2000. 
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Szczecin, Mr. Wiesław Wierzchoś, visited first CICPA workshop. He underlined importance of such initiatives, for social and economic development of the regions.
There was a time for a field trip and social and cultural exchange, traditional food degustation and dance presentation – all initiated and introduced by participants who joined the project.

On 19th of May, 47 members of 24 organisations  participated in second day of cross-border workshops, organized in Międzyzdroje, together with Wolinski National Park – associated partner of the project. The main aims of the day were to share initial ideas for joint initiatives within target groups, which could be undertaken during CICPA project and seek for natural similarities in project areas. Four thematic round-table discussions:

  • fishery
  • tourism and foresrty
  • education, culture and art
  • nature management

led by representatives of Partners and Associated Partners, revealed a lot of proposals for possible cross-border actions in project’s protected areas, which from some of them would be realized immediately after workshops. 
There was also a field trip to selected parts of Woliński National Park. Its values and management problems were presented, especially in the light of the mass tourism development.

First cross-border workshops ended with enthusiasm and plans for future development on partnership areas. Many thanks to participants representing following groups and organisations:

  • Pajūrio regioninio parko direkcija
  • EUCC Baltijos biuras
  • Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Wybrzeża
  • Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Stepnicy
  • Woliński Park Narodowy
  • Urząd Miasta i Gminy Stepnica
  • Zarząd Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego
  • Kretingalės kultūros centras
  • Kretingalės seniūnija
  • Karklės bendruomenė
  • Ekologinis klubas “Žvejonė”
  • Lokalna Grupa Działania “Szanse Bezdroży Gmin Powiatu Goleniowskiego”
  • Spółka Rybak w Stepnicy
  • Lokalna Grupa Rybacka Zalew Szczeciński
  • Zespół szkolno-przedszkolny im. Konstanego Maciejewicza w Stepnicy
  • Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Ziemi Stepnickiej
  • Rada Gminy Stepnica 
  • Przystań Jachtowa im. Kapitana Roberta Hilgendorfa
  • Towarzystwo Krzewienia Kultury Fizycznej (TKKF) Stepnica
  • Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe ORDITEL
  • Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Litewskiej w Szczecinie
  • Polish and Lithuanian farmers, fishermen and entrepreneurs