CICPA Study Tour for local actors, 28th-30th of September, Cedynia, Poland

This was very busy but successful weekend for our project. Representatives of partners, associated partners and project target groups from Lithuania and Poland took part in CICPA Study Tour, dedicated to sharing experience on a field of cross-border cooperation and building relations on different sides of borders.
We started on Friday 28th in Cedynia with international cross-programme debate devoted to dialogue between communities and institutions on joint cooperation capacity building, by organisation of common events and running projects.
Saturday, the second day of study tour, was very colourful and full of joy. We promoted our joint Polish-Lithuanian activities during “Cedynia na okrągło” (Polish-German Festival of traditional products and active citizens). Representatives of our target groups taking part in CICPA gave all their hearts to shows, exhibitions and workshops inspired by nature – all to underline great advantages comming from joining forces with neighbour organizations. We mixed sounds, voices, flavours, colours. We did it together! This was very inspiring day.
Sunday, the third day of study tour, gave us possibility to search for Lithuanian history on West Pomeranian lands, with extraordinary support from Mayor of Myslibórz Municipality, representatives of Myslibórz District Authorities and Honorary Consul of Republic of Lithuania in Szczecin.
Greatest compliments to Lithuanian and Polish organisations and groups, for fantastic involvement:
Administration of Seaside Regional Park, EUCC Baltc Office, Society for The Coast, Community Centre of Culture in Stepnica, Municipality of Stepnica, Western Pomerania Regional Landscape Parks, Karkle Community Association, Kretingale Culture Centre, Kretingale Eldership, Primary School in Stepnica, Theatre “In the Curved Mirror”, Non-formal Fireshow group ‘Stepnickie Ognie’, Folk Band Stepniczanie, Non-foral Group “Równe Babki”, Karkle Evangelical Lutheran Parish, Culture and Sports Centre in Cedynia.
It is a pleasure and honour to work with such active people, searching for possibilities, building relations and being a part of real cross-border collaboration!
Read more in our Study Tour Report!